
The Energy Audit
Tim Pupak Tim Pupak

The Energy Audit

Life is a delicate balance of choices.

Within each choice, there is either action or inaction.

Although most of the choices we make don’t have a monetary value attached to them, every action requires a form of currency in exchange for them.

The real cost is not money, but rather time and energy.

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Be Selfish for Others: Why Being Anything Less Than Your Best is a Disservice
Tim Pupak Tim Pupak

Be Selfish for Others: Why Being Anything Less Than Your Best is a Disservice

Being anything less than your best means not fully embracing your potential, and this impacts not only yourself but also the people who depend on you.

Accountability plays a crucial role in this context. Being accountable means showing up consistently, pushing yourself to improve, and taking responsibility for your actions.

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Why You Should Drink Water Out of a Whiskey Glass
Tim Pupak Tim Pupak

Why You Should Drink Water Out of a Whiskey Glass

We all drink water, right?

It’s a response rather than an experience. You are thirsty, so you drink water. Maybe from a water bottle, a large plastic cup, or perhaps, directly from the sink after brushing your teeth.

It’s essential for survival and something we do out of necessity rather than for pleasure or entertainment.

However, picture this: you're at home, sitting outside in your favorite chair, watching the sunset, gently sipping on some sparkling water. But instead of using a cup or can, you've decided to pour it into a beautiful whiskey glass with a 2.5” ice cube and garnish it with an orange peel.

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7 Strategies to Stop Stressing
Tim Pupak Tim Pupak

7 Strategies to Stop Stressing

Do you find yourself consumed by worry, stress, and anxiety?

If so, you are not alone, it seems to be a universal fear and a common consumption amongst our time.

Most of us fret about the future, dwell on past mistakes, and allow anxious thoughts to cloud our minds, preventing us from [taking action].

But have you ever stopped to consider the true cost of worrying?

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Rule #1 of The Winning Manifesto
Tim Pupak Tim Pupak

Rule #1 of The Winning Manifesto

There are a few simple rules to winning at [life].

The most cliché of them all is to ‘have fun.’

It sounds like something your mother might say to you as you step onto the soccer field right before a game.

“Go get 'em and remember to have fun!” It sounds silly…

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Dancing with Dichotomy: How To Harmonize with Contentment & Growth in Jiu Jitsu & in Life 
Tim Pupak Tim Pupak

Dancing with Dichotomy: How To Harmonize with Contentment & Growth in Jiu Jitsu & in Life 

In life, we seem to dance with two seemingly opposing forces: contentment and growth. 

On one hand, we seek a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. We should cherish all that we have and be grateful for the abundance at this very moment. 

On the other hand, we yearn for progress, improvement, and personal development. We should not settle for mediocrity and constantly work towards more. 

But are these forces truly at odds with each other, or can they coexist harmoniously? 

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