
The Universal Strategies for Winning
Tim Pupak Tim Pupak

The Universal Strategies for Winning

A few days ago, after an intense Jiu Jitsu class, my professor gathered the entire class around for a quick post-class speech or sermon of sorts. 

We lined up in a descending, belt-ranking, order.

Half of us were bent-over gasping for breath as we tried to stand tall to listen with respect. 

As the adrenaline and sweat started to dissipate and our posture became attentive, our professor started talking…

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Will Jiu Jitsu Get You in Shape?
Tim Pupak Tim Pupak

Will Jiu Jitsu Get You in Shape?

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is renowned not only as a highly effective martial art but also as a fantastic way to get in shape. Engaging in BJJ provides a full-body workout that improves cardiovascular health, increases strength, and enhances flexibility.

Think hot yoga with resistance…

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The 5 AM Test
Tim Pupak Tim Pupak

The 5 AM Test

It’s easy to fall into the trap of your own routine, where every morning feels like a carbon copy of the last.

The beep of your alarm clock becomes the unwelcome soundtrack to your existence.

It sounds depressing, doesn’t it?

But how often are you the one laying in bed dreading getting out of your warm blanket to face the day?

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Is Jiu Jitsu and BJJ the same thing?
Tim Pupak Tim Pupak

Is Jiu Jitsu and BJJ the same thing?

If you're brand new to the world of martial arts, you might find yourself asking, “Are Jiu Jitsu and BJJ the same thing?” The short answer is yes and no. Let's delve into the nuances of these two terms and explore how jiu jitsu has evolved over the years.

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Prize or Process: Ego-Driven vs. Task-Driven Goals
Tim Pupak Tim Pupak

Prize or Process: Ego-Driven vs. Task-Driven Goals

I love goals. Goals are great. And if you’re wanting to achieve anything of significance, I’d even go as far as saying that goals are necessary. They keep you focused. They give you purpose. And when you achieve them, they make you feel good. In general, having goals is a good thing.

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Tim Pupak Tim Pupak


I have some news to share. You are going to die. This might sound cold, but it is the truth. We are human beings, nothing more than living, breathing, organisms —composed of cells, bacteria, and DNA —similar to every other animal species on this earth. Sometimes we think that we are different.

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