Dancing with Dichotomy: How To Harmonize with Contentment & Growth in Jiu Jitsu & in Life 

In life, we seem to dance with two seemingly opposing forces: contentment and growth

On one hand, we seek a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. We should cherish all that we have and be grateful for the abundance at this very moment. 

On the other hand, we yearn for progress, improvement, and personal development. We should not settle for mediocrity and constantly work towards more. 

But are these forces truly at odds with each other, or can they coexist harmoniously? 

Let's delve into this intriguing dichotomy.

Imagine a garden where flowers bloom in vibrant hues, exuding a sense of contentment with their current state. They bask in the warm sunlight, rooted firmly in the soil that nourishes them. Yet, as the seasons change, the flowers grow, reaching higher and spreading their petals even wider. They seek to expand their reach and beauty, never ceasing their growth. 

In this garden, contentment and growth dance in perfect harmony.

William Shakespeare, an undoubtedly accomplished playwright and poet, beautifully wrote,

“My crown is in my heart, not on my head, Nor decked with diamonds and Indian stones, Nor to be seen: My crown is called content: A crown it is, that seldom kings enjoy." 

These words encapsulate the notion that true contentment lies within ourselves and is not reliant on external circumstances. It is a state of being that radiates from within, independent of material possessions, societal recognition, or status.

Contentment, however, should not be mistaken for complacency. It is not a stagnant state of acceptance, but rather an appreciation for the present moment. It allows us to find joy and fulfillment in the journey itself, rather than constantly yearning for what lies ahead. Contentment provides a solid foundation from which growth can flourish.

On the other hand, growth propels us forward on the path of self-mastery and personal evolution. It is the pursuit of knowledge, the honing of skills, and the embrace of new experiences. Growth is the force that challenges us to step out of our comfort zones, to push boundaries, and to unlock our full potential.

To illustrate the interplay of contentment and growth, let's turn to the world of jiu jitsu. In the practice of jiu jitsu, practitioners strive for continuous improvement and growth. They dedicate countless hours to refining techniques, increasing strength and flexibility, and expanding their knowledge of the art. Each and every class they are learning new techniques or concepts and practicing their execution of them.

Progress and growth are at the core of their journey.

However, within the realm of jiu jitsu, contentment is equally vital. It is the ability to be present in each training session, to find joy in the process of learning, and to appreciate the incremental advancements or setbacks made along the way. Contentment allows practitioners to enjoy the ride, to be grateful for the opportunity to train, relish in their skills, and to celebrate their achievements, no matter how small.

Many say that the belt system within jiu jitsu and other martial arts are meaningless, and to some extent I agree. They are not necessarily a accurate measurement of your skill level versus an opponent, a blue belt can beat a black belt on any given day.

Does that mean the black belt is not worthy? No, of course not.

You don’t receive belts based on how you fare up against an opponent on a particular day, but rather how you have evolved as a practitioner over time.

Ask yourself: Could this year’s self beat last year’s self?

The dance between contentment and growth is not always easy.

At times we will feel like growth is nowhere in sight. Especially when comparing yourself to others.

But don’t just think in days, weeks, or months - think in years. Think about the length of the journey overtime. Think about where you started and how far you’ve come. Now enjoy that moment as you look back and see all of the progress you made.

In life, just as in jiu jitsu, we must embrace both contentment and growth to experience true fulfillment. We need the solidity of contentment to ground us in the present moment, to find happiness in what we have, and to appreciate the journey. Simultaneously, we must nurture the desire for growth, for it is the engine that propels us forward, enabling us to reach new heights and uncover hidden potentials.

So, strive for growth, set goals, and work diligently to achieve them. But remember to embrace contentment along the way, appreciating the beauty of each moment and finding gratitude for the progress made.

Harmonizing with contentment and growth is the key to unlocking the door to lasting fulfillment in life's grand symphony.

Own the process,


Founder & Student


Rule #1 of The Winning Manifesto


Life’s Mirror: How You Do Anything is How You Do Everything