The Secret to Every Diet (But What the Nutritionist Won’t Tell You)

Have you ever been on a diet? 

I’m sure you’ve at least tried one or two before, if not more! 

If you stick with any diet long enough, you are likely going to see some results, at least on a temporary basis or until you fall off the wagon... 

Because fitness and nutrition has been an integral part of my life for a long time now, I’m constantly getting bombarded by people asking me for advice or tips on what diet to try or how they should be eating to lose weight. 

Now this is all fine and dandy. I enjoy talking about food and my advice is usually pretty straightforward. 

But then there's this ‘other group’ of people who don’t seem to care what I have to say. Instead they just try to sell me on this one magical diet they tried 4 years ago in preparation for a vacation they went on, when they lost 20 pounds and “looked the best they ever had looked.”

This ‘other group’ often evangelizes about their diet and raves about the results they were able to make.  

Now, I’m not a nutritionist, nor do I claim to be. I don’t really care what people eat and don’t want to debate the validity or lack thereof on a particular diet.  

That said, I know the hidden secret that nearly EVERY diet incorporates that media-based nutritionists won’t tell you. 

It doesn’t matter if you are on a paleo, vegan, Atkins, carnivor, keto, slow-carb, or one of the hundreds of other popularized diets in the mainstream. 

It’s not necessarily about what you are eating (adding), it’s about what you are NOT eating, what you are ELIMINATING

Weight loss, clarity, and newfound energy doesn't happen because you are only eating vegetables, or are strictly eating meat and organs.  Results happen because you are likely eliminating all of the crap that has been in your diet. 

You’re eliminating the oreos, the hazelnut creamer, the mocha latte, the mindless snacks, the bagel at breakfast, and the late night ice cream. 

It’s called the Elimination Diet and it works. 

Get rid of the ‘crap’ and clarity will come forth. 

We can see how this diet works with our body, but what if we apply this concept directly to our mind?  

How can we eliminate the ‘crap’ that floods our brain, that distracts us from reality, and fogs our mind with useless and unwarranted information. 

For me it’s about turning off my cell phone. 

Going for long walks around the lakes.  

Driving across the country and muting the music. 

Reading books instead of turning on the TV. 

Hiking in the mountains. 

Eating dinner without noise in the background. 

Staying somewhere, where you don’t have an option to say ‘yes’ to other people’s invitations, commitments, or obligations. 

As soon as you eliminate the noise, your mind becomes clear: new ideas fester, you start to question your current beliefs, and start to think with strategy, creativity, and clarity. 

It’s not because you went to a seminar, joined a social club, listened to a podcast, or got 1,400 new ideas from TikTok. Those are all things that you ‘added’ that may work, but they have to be in conjunction with the silence and elimination after the fact. 

The long drive home from the seminar, the one-on-one conversation at the social club, the teaching and application after listening to a podcast. 

A vegan diet can yield results if you also eliminate all the processed junk food you are eating. 

A paleo diet can yield results if you also eliminate all the processed junk food you are eating. 

A podcast can yield results if you eliminate the distraction you have when listening to it. 

A TikTok video on marketing can yield results if you eliminate the continuous scroll and apply it to your brand. 

If you want my advice, eliminate the clutter and execute. 

Own the process,

Tim Pupak

Author of Monday Mastery

Founder & Student


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