
Will jiu jitsu make me strong?
Tim Pupak Tim Pupak

Will jiu jitsu make me strong?

Many newcomers to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) often wonder: Will jiu jitsu make me strong? The answer is a resounding maybe. When done in a way to optimize strength, with a focus on adaptation through adequate recovery, optimized nutrition, and systematic stimulation towards different energy systems - which is frankly required for all strength gains - then yes, certainly.

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The 80/20 Rule
Tim Pupak Tim Pupak

The 80/20 Rule

Life seems to be always pulling me toward two different paths.

On one path, I find myself seeking pleasure in the form of social engagements, conscious exploration, and carefree living.

On the other path, I find myself seeking pleasure in the form of self-discipline, purpose-driven work, and the pursuit of mastery.

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Is jiu jitsu bad for you?
Tim Pupak Tim Pupak

Is jiu jitsu bad for you?

In the realm of self-improvement and physical fitness, few disciplines embody the ethos of resilience and discipline quite like jiu jitsu.

Yet, as with any pursuit, the question inevitably arises: "Is Jiu Jitsu bad for you?"

To truly understand the answer, we must delve into the nuanced interplay between risks and rewards inherent in this martial art.

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Is Your Operating System Out-Of-Date? 4-Steps To Find Out And Keep It Updated
Tim Pupak Tim Pupak

Is Your Operating System Out-Of-Date? 4-Steps To Find Out And Keep It Updated

An operating system manages your devices' memory and processes, as well as all of its software and hardware.

It also allows you to communicate with the device without knowing how to speak the computer's language. Without an operating system, a device is useless.

Picture your brain as a sophisticated operating system—version 1.0, if you will.

This metaphorical operating system governs every aspect of our lives.

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Is It Too Late to Start Jiu Jitsu?
Tim Pupak Tim Pupak

Is It Too Late to Start Jiu Jitsu?

Embarking on a new journey in Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) can seem daunting, especially for those who might think they're too old or physically unfit to start. However, the truth is, it's never too late to begin practicing this martial art, and there are numerous reasons why.

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Why I Stopped Mocking New Year's Resolutions
Tim Pupak Tim Pupak

Why I Stopped Mocking New Year's Resolutions

As the clock strikes midnight on New Year's Eve, a familiar ritual unfolds across the globe.

Some eagerly jot down resolutions with the hashtag #NewYearNewMe, while others, with a knowing smirk, scoff at the idea of such commitments.

The annual tradition of setting New Year's resolutions has become a tale of two perspectives—one fueled by enthusiasm, the other fueled with skepticism.

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10 Lessons I Learned About LIFE During My FIRST 60 Days of Bowhunting
Tim Pupak Tim Pupak

10 Lessons I Learned About LIFE During My FIRST 60 Days of Bowhunting

First off, this story doesn’t start with a dead deer.

It starts with a borderline obsessive approach to learning and mastery.

To get you caught up, let’s rewind the clock a bit.

A few months ago I was given a hand-me-down hunting bow.

That said, other than knowing which direction the arrow goes, I really had no experience hunting or shooting a bow.

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Top 10 Holiday Gifts Every Jiu Jitsu Enthusiast Will Love (2023-2024)
Tim Pupak Tim Pupak

Top 10 Holiday Gifts Every Jiu Jitsu Enthusiast Will Love (2023-2024)

Christmas, and all of the other consumer-based holidays are near. It’s time to start thinking what we can get your [boyfriend | girlfriend | father | mother | son | daughter | father | husband | wife] for the holidays. This year (2023-2024) we've curated a list of the Top 10 Gifts that will make any Jiu Jitsu practitioner's holiday merry.

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The Stoic Mantra for Personal Agency: Playing The Cards You’re Dealt
Tim Pupak Tim Pupak

The Stoic Mantra for Personal Agency: Playing The Cards You’re Dealt

In life, we are all dealt different hands. No one is the same. And the sad truth is that you don’t have a choice other than to play the hand you were dealt. You can’t choose your family. You didn’t choose your genetics. You can’t choose what era you were born in or what socioeconomic status you were born into.

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