The Practitioner's Journal | Jiu Jitsu

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From Boring to Bold: A Guide to Avoiding a Boring Life

Do you ever feel like your days are blending together and that nothing is changing?

You might even feel that your life is boring, uninteresting, and dull.

Luckily, it’s not you. 

This monotony is common amongst people, and can stem from a lack of excitement in what you're doing rather than who you are. 

Engaging in fruitless activity, empty small talk, and constant gratification seeking, can lead to a life lacking in soul

If you relate to this, you might want to ask yourself not only why this happened, but when

As children, we have so much excitement. We live in the moment and are enamored with learning. We have an immense amount of curiosity and are infatuated with literally everything.  

But as we grow up, we seem to lose that excitement and, more importantly, lose touch with our souls.

All of the stimuli in the modern world can drown out our soul's yearnings and keep us complacent. 

We end up stuck in jobs we don't like, doing things that frustrate us, and hanging out with people who annoy us.

Tapping into your soul is as simple as becoming still and listening to your life’s mission and true purpose.

However, many people mistake their superficial desires for the yearnings of their soul. This leads them down a path of quick gratification, but long-term misery. 

This is where mastery comes in. 

Mastery is a path of purpose, passion, and dedication. 

But on the road of mastery, there is no end or no shortcuts, and you can be certain that the road will be difficult.

But that’s the point.

There is no end. There are no easy routes. There are no shortcuts. 

When you shift your mindset from easy to difficult, from short to long. 

You go from being boring to bold

When working towards something you love, everything is exciting. 

You almost never feel burnt out, lethargic, or de-energized.

You're constantly making progress and working towards different tasks, so each day, week, month, and year, you're tackling a new challenge. 

Playing it safe and avoiding risks may lead to a comfortable (boring) life, but it is often said that, fortune favors the bold and the one who is the most daring reaps the greatest rewards. 

Engage in tasks that are aligned with your life's mission and work towards mastery, and you'll never feel boring or uninteresting again.

Own the process,


Author & Founder